We Need Your Insight and Expertise

We are preparing for a big update to our Treehouse Business Training and Info website page, and we would love your expertise!

Here is a quick message from Jesse and Hannah to introduce you to what we are doing.

The Project

We want to provide Red Aspen BAs with the best resources possible as you launch your business and grow it to the next level. We recognize our current Treehouse Business Training and Info page is incohesive and needs improvement, so here we go! We have framed out two new sections within the Treehouse. One to help a BA launch and grow her business, and the other to store all the resources a BA needs as a foundation and may need to refer back to.

Your Help

As we reorganize the website and add new assets to help BAs succeed, we would love your feedback on specific portions. We will send each of you pages and assets as we create them. You all will not receive the same pages. This is so we can streamline the amount of feedback we receive by capitalizing on the places we have seen your skill set excel. While we cannot guarantee that all your feedback can be changed, we ask that you are honest with us by informing us of the things you like and find helpful and the things you dislike, would change, or would add. Thank you!


The website updates will be rolling out as the webpages are ready. They will start in November and continue weekly through December. The changes will be shared with the field at the proper time through the NBD Circle, Director 411, and Campfire Facebook page.

What information will I be looking over?

We are revising the Business Info and Training page of the website meaning we are revising information ranging from PopUps and Promo Codes to Launch Your Business and Personal Branding. We will be sending you content - graphics, roadmaps, video scripts, etc. - to look over. 

What kind of feedback is Red Aspen looking for? What should I be on the lookout for when reading scripts and reviewing content?

We are reaching out to you because we know you are talented at what you do and you have a system to do it! We want to hear all the constructive feedback that you have on the content we send out, but especially what tips/content you would include to help a BA succeed. We would love to hear what you think can be added for clarity and what is not necessary.