INITIATIVE 1: Email all new, non-attributed customers asking them to provide us their Brand Ambassador info. NEW MONTHLY PROCESS. We will send this email monthly.
Timeline: Complete
Summary: We sent an email to new customers without a Brand Ambassador asking them to confirm how they heard about Red Aspen and connect them with their Brand Ambassador. They were rewarded with a promo code for responding.
INITIATIVE 2: More visibility to Brand Ambassador info at checkout.
Timeline: Complete
Summary: We moved the “My Brand Ambassador” block closer to the "Pay Now" button in the shopping cart so it's not missed by your customer.
INITIATIVE 3 : Unattributed customers will be prompted to select a Brand Ambassador at checkout.
Timeline: Complete
Summary: Unattributed customers won’t be able to click “Pay now” in checkout until they have selected a Brand Ambassador or selected “I am not shopping with a Brand Ambassador today.”
INITIATIVE 4: Customers can now select their Brand Ambassador even AFTER they’ve checked out.
Timeline: Complete
Summary: We created a post purchase countdown screen that gives your customer the option to select you as their Brand Ambassador even after they've checked out! For example, let's say that your new customer checks out and doesn’t have you selected as their Brand Ambassador. On the order confirmation page, the customer will be notified that they haven't selected a Brand Ambassador, and they will be encouraged to select one at that time.