Monthly Mapping + Status Report

Setting and Tracking Your Goals

Monthly Mapping

Ready to plan out the next steps to growing your new business and achieving your dreams? Red Aspen’s Monthly Mapping Tool is the answer! What is Monthly Mapping? Well, it’s a two-part system designed to help you set small, achievable monthly goals towards a larger visionary goal for your business. In other words, a dream-focused to-do list! This bigger goal could be anything. It could be a certain paycheck amount. It could be a specific title like Associate Brand Director. It could even be selling 1,000 PV per month consistently. The choice is yours! 

The first part of Monthly Mapping is simple. It’s a document that you can print and fill out, prompting you to map out personal and team goals like the ones we highlighted above. These include not only Personal Volume, Group Volume, and Downline Volume goals, but also recruitment numbers and the action items needed to achieve them. You’ll want to fill this out at the beginning of each month, but you’ll also want to check it throughout the month. We’re here to help with that too!

Following your first 45 days as a Brand Ambassador, Red Aspen will send out a Monthly Mapping email at the beginning of each month with a quick link to the Monthly Mapping Worksheet and a reminder to fill it out. We’ll follow up with another email on the 15th to remind you to check your goals, and each of these emails will arrive at 5:30 AM MT to help you start your day on the right track! With any luck, this Monthly Mapping system plus your passion for your new business will help it to grow in a way that helps you achieve your dreams! More information on Red Aspen’s Monthly Mapping system can be found in the FAQs section below.

Weekly Status Report

Red Aspen also sends out Weekly Status Report emails every Monday morning to provide each Brand Ambassador with a snapshot of her stats. This email will include your PV at the time the email was sent, and for the most up-to-date numbers, you’ll want to make sure you’re checking your HUB regularly. 

During select incentive periods, like Dreamwork for example, this weekly email will also include a section to update you on your incentive progress. These status reports are meant to help you track your progress each month, and are a great resource for staying on top of your Monthly Mapping Goals!

What is Monthly Mapping?

Monthly Mapping is a two-part resource designed to help Brand Ambassadors set monthly goals and determine the practical steps needed to achieve them. The first part is a worksheet that can be found on the Treehouse website under Monthly Mapping. BAs can either print this worksheet out, or screenshot and save it to fill it out at a later time.

The second piece of Monthly Mapping is a set of emails that are sent out on the 1st and 15th of every month at 5:30 AM MT. The first email includes a quick link to the Monthly Map worksheet and reminder to fill it out with your monthly goals. The second email on the 15th is designed to remind BAs to check their progress on those goals. Each email will start to be sent to new BAs following their first 45 days as a Red Aspen Brand Ambassador 

What is the Weekly Status Report email?

The Weekly Stats email is a tool designed to help BAs keep track of where they are in terms of PV throughout the month. It’s a snapshot of these stats at the time the email was sent, and for more up-to-date information, all Red Aspen BAs are encouraged to check their HUB regularly. 

Who receives these Monthly Mapping and Weekly Status Report emails?

All Red Aspen Brand Ambassadors who have surpassed their first 45 days as a BA will receive Monthly Mapping and Weekly Status Report emails. 

What will these Monthly Mapping and Weekly Status Report emails include?

The Weekly Stats email will contain a weekly snapshot of where a BA’s PV is at in comparison to their next paid sales rank. It will also contain an incentive progress tracker for any incentive happening at the time, such as Dreamwork. 

The Monthly Mapping email will contain a link to the Monthly Mapping worksheet and a reminder for BAs to fill it out or check in on their progress, depending on whether that email arrives on the 1st of the month or the 15th.