NBD Circle Resource Page

Here’s where you can find all the latest updates, changes, and exciting announcements!

NBD Training Assets The 411 NBD EVENT FORM

Regular Program Updates

Monday, March 3rd

Girls Weekend Update

Girls Weekend 2025 FAQs have been uploaded to the NBD Google Drive.

Spring Fling Waitlist Update

For those Brand Ambassadors who didn't get the chance to purchase the Spring Fling Product Pack, you can have your name added to a waitlist. If you would like to be added to the waitlist please email events@red-aspen.com. If there are Spring Fling Product Packs available after March 24th, Sales Support will be in touch with next steps to purchase.

Launch Planning Update

Due to inventory levels, we will no longer be doing a $10 St. Patrick's Day nails sale. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility!

Wednesday, Feb 26th

Extra PV Points in March for Dreamwork Update

To support you and your teams in the final month of Dreamwork we are increasing PV points from 1 to 1.5 points for every 500 PV earned in March!!! A few very important details…

1) We will not be communicating this broadly until after the month of February ends as this change is for March PV only.

2) FAQs are below, note that there will still be a max of 100 PV points. 

3) The Dreamwork report will be down on March 4 for updates to be made and will be live again on March 5 after testing is complete.

Why are we increasing the value of PV points for March? 

There is a strong contingent of BAs that are within striking distance of earning the trip.  We want to (1) support their journey to Costa Rica and (2) keep them incentivized to make March sales the best on record. 

Outside of those that earn the trip, will this impact Dream Earners 1 through 5? 

Yes. Increasing the PV point value to 1.5 will indeed help everyone!  With that in mind, we are forecasting that it will give the biggest boost to those currently at Dreams 3 and above.

Do you anticipate that you will run out of prizes for any of the Dreams?

The only dream that we think we will potentially not have enough prizes for is Dream 1, but it will be very close - we will either be right on the mark or about 30 to 40 above of what we have in stock.  To help manage expectations, we have outlined in the FAQs what will happen if this does occur.

The Treehouse Website - Updated Navigation and New Join Page

Now that we have launched the new business training pages, we want to give you the best experience in navigating them to intuitively find the information that you need. We’ll be updating the navigation over the coming week so that both the Business Training and Product Training pages have a homepage. This way you will no longer have to scroll a long side bar. Additionally, the leadership communication pages (NBD Circle and The 411) will be pulled out of training and placed right on the side bar for quick access. Please be sure to check all the links that you have in your team’s training/onboardings to make sure they are accessing the right pages! You can see a mock up of Business Training and Product Training homepages here.

Plus, we will be updating the Brand Ambassador Asset Drive to mirror the Business and Product Training navigation you will see on the website. Our goal is to make accessing assets and resources an easy and intuitive experience.

And lastly, in the coming weeks, we will be launching an updated Join Page so that future Brand Ambassadors and Affiliates can learn about who we are and how to be a part of this incredible community.

Summer of Lessons Nominations Update

NBDs! We are preparing for our Annual Summer of Love and we need your input. This year we are launching it with a twist to tie it to our year’s overarching theme of lesson - with Summer of Lessons! Each month (May-August), we will be releasing business training videos that are tied to the corresponding month’s lesson. We want these to be Brand Ambassador led trainings so we are looking for speakers for each video. If there is someone on your team who not only keeps good business practices but also exhibits one of the following characteristics - joy, balance, resilience, authenticity - let us know! We would love for her to represent your team as a Summer of Lessons speaker. Nominate your team members here! Please make all nominations by March 7th.

Spring Break Collection & The POP Bye Bye, Butterfly Update

Spring Break Collection Update: No limits on any nails in this collection.

The POP Bundles:

Launch Details:
March 7 at 10:30 AM MT

Instead of 10% off for a bundle, we will have $1 off per each nail in a bundle.

Short Dash Bundle – We will have $1 off per nail ($68, value $72)

Bye-Bye, Butterfly, Britny

Save the Monarch-y, Kiki

Born to Fly, Frankie

Anti-Social Butterfly, Mimi

Medium Dash Bundle – $1 off per nail ($51, value $54)

Flutter By, Tasha

Butterfly Effect, Everly

Andarna Has Wings

Availability: Bundles will be available for 4 hours. If they do not sell out and inventory allows, individual nails will be available for sale starting at 3:00 PM MT.

Inventory Update:

List of products that will be discontinued after they go on low-stock in March:

Lavender Amethyst Eye Mask Jar
Lavender Amethyst Eye Mask Single
Golden Grapefruit Face Mask
Body Cream