Staying Informed

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Staying Informed

Red Aspen’s Private Brand Ambassador Facebook Group

Every Red Aspen Brand Ambassador should join Red Aspen’s private Brand Ambassador Facebook Group. Not only is it where the Treehouse HQ team goes live every week, it’s also where we announce new products and promotions, provide important real-time shipping info, as well as offer support, website announcements, and updates! Join the Facebook Group here, and have your Brand Ambassador ID nearby.
The News and Inspo

A key resource within the private Brand Ambassador Facebook Group is the News and Inspo, a Facebook Live event that occurs every Monday night at 6PM MT. If there is a holiday on Monday, the News and Inspo will occur Tuesday at 6PM MT. Announcements for Friday launches happen at 11 AM MT and 2 PM MT on Thursdays. The Treehouse communicates important information to Brand Ambassadors through this live, so be sure to tune in for the latest product launch information, marketing graphics, incentive program details, Treehouse Announcements, and other important information for your business. At the end of the day, this is the very best way to stay informed on important news regarding your beauty business. 
The Leadership Campfire

Red Aspen also hosts a Facebook Live called the Leadership Campfire on most Mondays starting at 2PM MT. You must be an Associate Brand Director (ABD) or above and opt into leadership to participate. Not an ABD yet? No worries! We’ll send you a link to the Campfire Facebook Page once you’ve reached the requirements. 
Treehouse Training Instagram 

While the private Brand Ambassador Facebook Group is the best place to get information from the Treehouse, we also have a private Instagram page reserved just for Brand Ambassadors. Make sure to give it a follow @redaspentraining!

Treehouse New Product and Promotions

As another key resource for all Red Aspen Brand Ambassadors, the New Product and Promotions tab within the Treehouse includes a Launch Calendar to keep track of all the new products. Plus, you’ll find product information, marketing assets, and promotion details for recent nail, product, and business kit launches. There’s also incentive information to keep you informed of the timelines, qualifications, rules, and rewards for each incentive. Find relevant information on recent launches here.

Treehouse Events

Great news! Red Aspen has all its event information in one convenient place. Red Aspen Events includes info on Spring Fling, Dreamwork, Girls Weekend, Treehouse Tours, and virtual Events. You can find event details and registration information. This page is updated as new information is available. Be sure to check out all the important Red Aspen events happening here.
Follow us on Social Media 

See what Red Aspen is up to on social! No matter where you are in your Red Aspen journey, give us a follow!