Compensation Plan
Welcome to our dynamic and straight forward Compensation Plan.
Red Aspen's Compensation Plan
Red Aspen’s Compensation Plan is dynamic and allows you to focus on sales, team building, or both. Do what you’re good at, and don’t be afraid to push yourself to achieve new business goals. We’re right there with you! Our compensation plan is flexible enough to support your ever-changing life.
The Two Tracks of the Compensation Plan

Let's Get Started!
These next three videos will serve to give more detail on Red Aspen’s Compensation Plan. It’s our hope that they’ll help you better understand compensation, rank qualifications, and rewards as you grow your Red Aspen business. The first video is a general overview of how our compensation plan is set-up, and it’s designed to quickly answer the question of “How can I earn with Red Aspen?” The second is all about rank qualifications, aka what you’ll need to do to hit a paid rank. Finally, the third video will give more insights on how you’ll be rewarded for all your hard work!
Each video is filled with great information, but to really become a Commissions Connoisseur, you’ll want to watch them all, as well as check out our detailed Comp Plan below.
Finish it Off!
Those videos hold a whole lot of information, but that’s not all!
1. The Fast 45 Program is a piece of our Compensation Plan where you can earn product credit and discount joins by hitting PV goals within your first 45 days as a Brand Ambassador. Excited to get going? Find Out More.

2. In addition to Fast 45, we have Leadership Fast 45 which offers individuals interested in jumping into Red Aspen’s Team Track the opportunity to earn cash bonuses during their Fast 45 period. Note that this program runs in parallel with the Fast 45, and new Brand Ambassadors are eligible to participate in both programs.

3. We love celebrating you! That’s why during your birthday month, a free gift will be added to your cart. Oh and be sure to look out for an anniversary gift in the month that you joined (starting with your first anniversary as a BA)!
4. Check out the Detailed Compensation Plan here.
5. You are crushing it! We expanded our compensation plan into the NBD circle which you can find here. It is set up the same way the first one is, so if you can follow the first comp plan, you can follow this one too!
6. Don’t forget you can earn product credit by sharing a Pop Up link. Go to Booking Pop Ups to learn more.
7. Additionally, Red Aspen has 3rd party insurance available for you. Learn more here!
How do I earn with Red Aspen?
You can earn with Red Aspen by selling our products or building a team and earning bonuses.
What is the Sales Track?
The Sales Track is the sales portion of the compensation plan where you can sell products and earn 25-35%.
What is the Team Track?
The Team Track is the sponsoring portion of the compensation plan where you can sponsor team members and earn from their sales.
Where can I find definitions of commission key terms?
You can find all the commission key term definitions on the "Compensation Plan" chart.
How do I become sales active?
As a Red Aspen Brand Ambassador, you are considered "Sales Active" when you sell 120 PV (Personal Volume).
Am I considered "active" the first month I join?
Yes. No matter what date in the month you join, you are considered active.
What is Personal Volume (PV)?
Personal Volume refers to monthly total personal sales, excluding tax, shipping & discounts. 1 PV = 1 USD (in most cases).
What is Personal Commission?
Personal Commission is a 25-35% bonus earned on Personal Volume (PV).
What is Level Commission?
Level Commission is a 3-10% bonus earned on sales of Brand Ambassadors in your downline. Note that you may earn on up to 3 levels.
What is Generation Commission?
Generation Commission is a 1-2% bonus earned on generations in your downline. Note that you may earn on up to 4 generations.
If I only sell 119 PV, will I still earn personal commissions?
If you sell up to 119 PV you earn 25% commissions. If you sell 120+ PV you can earn up to 27-35% commissions.
Where can I find a summary of my commissions/commissions breakdown?
You can find a summary of your paid commissions in your Hub.
Where can I find more details on Red Aspen’s Compensation plan?
For more information, you can always reach out to your sponsor for help. Or, if you need some Treehouse assistance email
How is the Red Aspen Compensation Plan different from others?
Red Aspen’s compensation plan is awesome in so many ways! Our compensation does not have breakaways, compression, or confusing concepts. We prefer to keep things simple!
Does Red Aspen offer any third party insurance?
Yes, we have partnered with PRO Insurance Managers so you can access their Direct Seller Liability, Event insurance, Business Inventory, Health, Life, Dental and Vision, Identity Theft and many other beneficial programs.
For information, online rates, and more, reach out to PRO Insurance Managers directly at
What is GV?
GV is your PV + Level 1 PV + Level 2 PV + Level 3 PV. Minimum of 50% of GV must come from sales to non-Red Aspen Brand Ambassadors.
What are active legs?
A leg where there is at least 1 Brand Ambassador who has sold 120 PV, or achieved an active status, by the end of the month.
What are titled legs?
A leg that meets certain paid as title requirements. For example, if you are an Associate Brand Director you must have 4 active legs and 1 PAID AS Brand Manager.
What are levels?
Brand Ambassadors in your downline. Red Aspen Brand Ambassadors you personally sponsor are your Level 1, Brand Ambassadors sponsored by your Level 1 are your Level 2, and so on. May earn on up to 3 levels.
What are generations?
Associate Brand Director or above and her downline, down to but not including next Associate Brand Director or above.
What is the 50% of DV rule and how does it affect me?
Red Aspen has a Heavy Leg Rule (50% of DV Rule) to help BA’s create strong teams. It states that one of your legs can not account for more than 50% of your DV. If one leg is heavy (accounting for more than 50%), only their PV that adds up to 50% can be attributed towards qualifications but no more than that.
For example, if you have 3 legs with a total of 10,000 DV and one leg has 6,000PV and the other two legs and you add up to 4,000 PV, it would be more than 50% of your DV. Therefore, only 4,000 of their PV can count towards qualifications. 4,000PV is the sum of the other legs, so that is what will land them at 50% of the qualified DV (4,000 + 4,000 = 8,000 AND 50% of 8,000 is 4,000) . For every PV the other legs bring in, the heavy leg can qualify more PV. For example if the other legs increase by 500, then the heavy leg can too (4,500 + 4,500 = 9,000 PV AND 50% of 9,000 is 4,500). For a visual example, check out the videos above.
How long do I have to earn a tier in the Leadership Fast 45 program?
45 days. Day 1 is the day you join.
When does Day 1 of the Leadership Fast 45 Program start?
The first day of the Fast 45 Program starts the day you join. For example, if you join on January 12th, then January 12th is the first day of the program, even if you join at 11:59 pm.
Are the tiers of Red Aspen’s Fast 45 Program cumulative?
Yes! Please reference the “total bonus” column to understand the grand total of the bonus you can earn.
How and when is this bonus paid?
This bonus is paid in the commission period following the end of your Fast 45 period (e.g. if the last day of your Fast 45 is in February, your commission will be paid in March).
Who is eligible to earn this bonus?
New Brand Ambassadors and Affiliate upgrades that are in good standing are eligible to participate in the Leadership Fast 45 program. The new Ambassador may not have another downline organization/ team with another direct sales company, and as applicable, must be opted into leadership.
Important: Please note that this bonus will not be paid to those with an existing team elsewhere. Reinstated Brand Ambassadors are not eligible to earn this bonus.
Can I earn these bonuses in conjunction with other promotional bonuses offered at Red Aspen?
With the exception of level, generational and leadership bonuses outlined Red Aspen’s comp plan, you are only able to earn one promotional cash bonus at a time. If you earn more than one cash bonus (for example, a Dreamwork Activate bonus) then Red Aspen will pay out on the higher valued cash bonus earned. Simply put, you can earn only one cash bonus offering at a time and can not double up on bonuses.