Meet Aubree, Lynie, Trisha, and Susan!
My sweet Aubree Sue is my biggest helper in my RA business, she’s also a little saleswoman herself, convincing all of her friends and teachers (even those who aren’t hers) what Nail Dashes and products they need. She gets so excited when new things are released and is the first to bust open packages to see all the new things. She helps with events, takes packages to the school after making a sale, helps on lives and takes pictures, she even dressed up as a RA Brand Ambassador for school on “what do you want to be when you grow up day”!
Lynie is my daughter and from the time I found out I was pregnant with her, she's been a fighter. The cards were stacked against us from a high-risk pregnancy, to a dairy allergy, to needing three types of therapy three times a week for the first three years of her life and more. She is now thriving, healthy, and we are so grateful that she has overcome so many obstacles in such a short period of time. She is a Red Aspen lover and her favorite thing is organizing all of mommas nails.
Trisha is my sister-in-law. On February 19, 2022, her husband, Bill, fell, on ice, outside at their mountain house. He was alone. At first it appeared he hadn’t hit his head, but after not being able to contact him for a few hours, Trisha knew something was very wrong. She called security and sure enough, Bill, had suffered a severe brain bleed and was found unconscious. For seven long months, my brother-in-law was in the hospital and/or acute care facilities. Being 3 hours from the home, Trisha drove 3 hours each day to care for her husband while he underwent brain surgery and recovery. She only missed 2 days because of a blizzard and illness. For months and months, Trisha fed him, changed him, moved him, and helped him with all of his therapies. Never, once, did I hear Trisha complain. Did she cry? Absolutely. Complain? NEVER. She completely gave this over to the Lord and had renewed strength with each morning. For many months, Bill was unable to speak or respond. Her continued soft words, encouragement, and advocacy for him and our family have been outstanding. Bill finally came home on September 13th. He is still in a wheelchair, as he cannot walk. But Trisha’s care of Bill continues: getting him out of bed with a lift, changing him, preparing his food, giving him his medicines, helping him with his PT and OT therapies, getting him in and out of bed each afternoon for his rest, and, of course, each evening. Trisha is a hero! And at 70 years old, she is the picture of Red Aspen: She is standing up, and out, and together, with her husband, for as long as it takes! Trisha has shown her family and community what it takes to love “in sickness or in health” and I want to share it with the world!
I want to nominate my mom, Susan. She raised me as a single mom, and we both went through some very hard times with the circumstances we were given. She is the MOST hard-working woman I have ever had the privilege of knowing. She has taught me to never give up when times get hard, to always treat others with kindness, and has shown me the importance of family togetherness. She is a bright light in this world, and I am thankful every day for her. Her caring heart and the way she always makes everyone feel included have earned her the "Momma Sue" nickname because she treats my friends as if they were her own daughters.