So you’ve worn your press-on nails for a while now—maybe a few days, or a few weeks—and you’re ready to remove them, either to replace them with a new style or just let your natural nails breathe for a bit.
But how to take off press-on nails without damaging your natural nails? No need to run to a salon or buy any unusual products. The answer is simple: cuticle oil! It effectively dissolves nail glue to make press-on nail removal a surprisingly speedy and straightforward process.
(It’s also good for your nail beds and cuticles, keeping them moisturized and healthy—so using cuticle oil is basically a win-win.)
Read on and we’ll describe how to remove press-on nails and how to remove nail glue, if there’s any left over. We’ll also point you to the best oil for cuticles out there, both for removing press-on nails and for hydrating and nourishing your natural nails.
How to Remove Press On Nails
Soak Nails in Soapy Water
Using just a few drops of hand soap, prepare a mixture of warm, soapy water in a medium-sized bowl or other dish.
Soak for 10 Minutes
From here, soak your press-on nails for about ten minutes to give the soapy water plenty of time to work its magic.
Rock Nails Side to Side with Fingers
While they’re soaking, you can use your fingers to rock the press-on nails side to side. This maximizes the amount of water that comes into direct contact with the nail glue, speeding up the removal process. It also allows you to gauge how loose your press-ons are before you apply the cuticle oil.
Use Cuticle Oil
A little goes a long way with cuticle oil—apply it sparingly (just several drops) around the edges of your press-on nails, as well as anywhere you can reach the underside of the nails. Allow the oil to sit for at least a few minutes, which will help the adhesive to loosen and minimizes the damage caused by the next step.
Use Nail Removal Tool
Check if the press-on nails are loose by gently rocking them side to side. Once they are, you’re ready to use a nail removal tool to push them off. (It’s a great idea to keep a pack of Red Aspen nail dash removal tools on hand, so you have them ready to use whenever you need to change up your manicure.) Be sure to start from the cuticle and work your way toward your nail tips to prevent excessive damage with removal.
Remove Excess Adhesive
Once the press-ons are off your nails, you may notice that there’s still some nail glue residue left on your nails. To get the leftover glue off, you can use a cuticle pusher stick (AKA an orangewood stick) to gently scrape it away. However, this doesn’t work, don’t scrape harder—instead, soak your nails in warm soapy water again, or take it off with an acetone-based nail polish remover.
Best Cuticle Oil
Now that you know how to use cuticle oil to remove press-on nails, you may be wondering: what’s the best cuticle oil to use for this process?
Red Aspen Cuticle Oil
Not only is Red Aspen cuticle oil incredibly effective for removing press-on nails—it’s also super nourishing and hydrating, because it’s made up of a blend of the most beneficial oils for nail health:
- Argan oil: Hydrates and nourishes to repair skin’s appearance
- Jojoba oil: Deeply moisturizes for lasting hydration
- Rosehip oil: Rich in Vitamins A, C, and E as well as essential fatty acids
- Grape seed oil: Restores skin elasticity and retains moisture
- Vitamin E: Protects against free radicals and environmental stressors

In addition to using it to remove press-on nails, you can also use Red Aspen cuticle oil on its own to moisturize and protect your natural nails. Simply apply it to your cuticles and nails, massage it in, and let it soak for a minimum of five minutes so your nails can truly benefit from its restorative properties.
Besides its array of benefits, our cuticle oil is also cruelty free and vegan, as well as free from toxins and irritants like artificial fragrances, parabens, phthalates, and sulfates. What’s not to love about this top-of-the-line cuticle oil?!
Ready to get your hands on the Red Aspen Cuticle Oil or new Nail Dashes? Reach out to your Brand Ambassador or enter their name at checkout!
Written by: Kerry Cron
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