Social media has become an invaluable tool when it comes to social sales. Social media allows you to reach a broader audience - both generationally and geographically! Social selling was once restricted to dinner parties and catalogs, but now, you can grow your business faster than ever, all thanks to social media.
But then comes the hard part… How do you get people to notice your social media? It may seem like luck of the draw, and sometimes it is, but there’s also some tips, tricks, and strategies you can use to help increase your visibility on platforms like Instagram and TikTok.
Some social media platforms might work better than others, depending on your goals. If you want more info about those platforms, check out our blog where we tell you all about “The Best Social Media Channels to Help Grow Your Beauty Business and Why”.
Here is a brief overview of some popular platforms you might use!
Instagram is a great platform to grow thanks to your ability to post photos, stories, and reels. It's a versatile platform that allows you to explore different creative avenues and expand your following.
The primary use of TikTok is to post videos, similar to Instagram Reels. The nice thing is you can cross post TikToks you make onto Instagram! Ranging from a few seconds, to a few minutes, the possibilities are endless.
TikTok’s algorithm is a bit more random as well, which gives smaller users a higher chance of going viral. While going viral doesn’t always equal more sales, it will at the very least give you more exposure and followers!
Universal Social Media Tips
No matter which platform you find yourself on, here are some useful tips and tricks you can apply to your social media plan!
Post Regularly
If you look at your favorite brands' social media pages, like Red Aspen, you’ll notice they post very consistently. Brands want to post multiple times a week, if not every day, to keep their followers engaged. If you go a long time in between posts, say two weeks, you can lose your followers' attention.
Now, we know it’s difficult to have enough products to post about something new every single day - that would be 365 posts and products in a year! So know that it is okay to post products more than once. If you’re an avid user of Red Aspen’s Tanning Drops (which we 100% recommend you try), you can post about using them once a week!
Same can be said for products like Nail Prep Pads, Mascara, Makeup Brushes, etc. Posting about these products often and emphasizing how much you love them will encourage your followers to try them for themselves!
The more posts people see from you, the more you’re on their mind!
Direct Followers To Your Website
We all know the importance of getting your followers to visit your website, after all, you’ve got to get the commission you’ve worked so hard for!
But how exactly do you get people to go to your website? The key thing to do is add the link to your website into your social media bio. If social media is foreign to you, look for a short tutorial online on how to add a link. We promise it’s easy!
In every post you make - whether it’s a feed post, a story, or a reel - you want to reiterate “Click the link in my bio to purchase!” or “Go to “Find a Brand Ambassador” and enter (your name) when you visit redaspenlove.com!”
This way, your followers remember how to purchase from you and you can make it as easy as possible for them to make it happen.
Unfortunately, on TikTok you cannot add a link to your bio unless you have at least 1,000 followers.
Focus On Quality
When it comes to posting on social media, you want to make sure you’re not sacrificing quality for quantity. While posting frequently is important, if you’re posting blurry photos or photos with little thought put into them, followers are not going to be enticed to purchase from you. A good photo makes the product look good, while a bad photo can make the product look bad - and no one wants bad products!
Schedule Your Posts
If you don’t have enough time to take pictures and videos and post multiple times a week, try having a “content day” where you take enough photos and make enough Reels/TikToks to last you through the next week or two (Or beyond! Up to you!)
Once you have all your content, you can write up captions and schedule your content. Now sit back and relax (or get busy!) and your content will post on its own. This is a great tool available on social media platforms that you should take advantage of!
A quick Google search will help provide steps to schedule content! On TikTok, you must have a business or creator account in order to schedule content.
Finding Your Aesthetic
One of the most fun parts of social media is what we call your “feed”. Your feed is the stream of photos and videos that you post on your profile! One thing that people love to see is a cohesive “aesthetic” throughout your feed. This means a similar photography style, filter, and overall “vibe” that applies to the content you post.
This can help you to develop a recognizable “brand identity” that can help you stand out from other influencers. When you receive your business kit or your other products, experiment with different styles and filters and see what you like best.
For example, you could try a minimalist style. For minimalism, you can photograph the product against a clean, basic backdrop - like a light, solid colored wall. This allows the product to really stand out and not be overshadowed by other items that you may be able to see in the background of the photo.
On the other hand, you could photograph your product with props, bright colors, and a more maximalist style. This could give your feed a more vibrant feel.
When it comes to filters, you have plenty of great options from the present filters on your phone and Instagram, to downloading a free app like Adobe Lightroom. Play around and find a filter you like that you can use on your feed! It all depends on what you like and how you want to showcase yourself as a Brand Ambassador!
Following The Trends:
What will give you the highest chance of going viral on TikTok is following trends that are popular and using music/ audios that are popular.
Searching “makeup” or “beauty” on TikTok will give you a good idea of what’s popular on the platform, and if you desire, you can try and replicate that content or put your own spin on it. As for audios, searching “music” will bring you to all the popular songs people are using on the platform.
Although following trends is a great tactic to increase visibility, you don’t want to follow every single trend you see. You want to stay true to yourself and our brand. If posting “My Drugstore Makeup Routine” is trending, that’s a trend you wouldn’t want to participate in because Red Aspen isn't a drug store makeup brand. Instead, put a spin on it and try “My Cruelty-Free Makeup Routine!”
What’s popular on TikTok is almost always popular on Instagram as well. So after you create your TikTok, head over to Instagram and post it there as well!
Be Authentic to Yourself and Red Aspen
One of the most important things about social media is to not get caught up in the sometimes unrealistic standards we see. Our mission at Red Aspen is to inspire women to stand up, stand out, and stand together by uniting passion with purpose - and we want your platform to show that! Know yourself and know our brand and post content that makes you feel proud to be a Red Aspen Brand Ambassador.
Make it a goal to make your social media page a personable experience where your followers feel like they get to see the real you - not a persona you put on for the camera. This will resonate with more followers and help you to stand out against other influencers out there.
Content Ideas:
Now that you know how to both navigate and develop your social media, hopefully you have some inspiration of what kind of content to post. But if not, here are some ideas to get you started!
Unboxing Video:
Record yourself opening up your business kit, loyalty box, or package from Red Aspen! Walk your followers through each product you received. Have an upbeat, excited attitude. You’re excited to see what’s in this package and excited to tell your followers all about how they can get it too!
Nail Prep + Nail Dash Application:
Walk your followers through a step-by-step guide of prepping their nails for Red Aspen Nail Dashes, and then the application of the Dashes themselves! Refer to this blog for the ultimate nail prep routine: How to Prep Your Nails For a Long Lasting Press-On Manicure.
Self Care Routine:
Record your Red Aspen self care routine! Highlight products like Lavender Amethyst Moisturize & Glow Lip Mask, Red Aspen’s Rose Quartz Face Roller, and the PediExfoliate Foot Peeling Mask. Highlight the benefits of each skin care product and recommend them. Check out Red Aspen blogs like, “How to Elevate Your Everyday Skincare Routine with the Red Aspen Face Roller” and “Complement Your Complexion with Hydrating Beauty Masks from Red Aspen” for more information about our skincare products!
Happy Posting!
We hope you can use these tips and tricks to elevate your social media presence and hopefully, increase your sales!
Written by: Kelly Ann Asker
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