In 2024, our Loyalty Box theme is Affirmations! Red Aspen is celebrating positive self talk and self care! Each month, we’ll feature a different theme to inspire you to challenge and overcome negative thoughts so you can make positive changes in your life. No matter where you are in life, 2024 is the year to remember you are worthy, you are inspiring, and most importantly, you are loved!
It’s the start of a new year, and that means resolutions! From promises to exercise more to commitments to get better organized, travel the world, and spend more time with family and friends, January is a time of change and seemingly endless items to add to the bucket list. If you’re feeling nervous, don’t worry! You’re not alone, we’re in this together. This January, make a mental note to remind yourself of all the things that are wonderful about you!
Our January Loyalty Box theme is “She is Loved,” and our first subscription box of the new year includes gorgeous press-on nail kits and silk faux lashes to inspire you to take chances, make mistakes, and love yourself through it all! It takes a bunch of small steps to make big changes in your life, and these changes don’t happen overnight! Take things one day at a time with activities to boost your confidence, add some excitement to your week, and celebrate self-confidence and love! Curious how you can start the new year on the right foot? Scroll below to see our top 5 ways to remind yourself just how amazing you are!
One of the best things you can do to start 2024 on a positive, affirming note is to set daily intentions. Think about what you want to do, what truly needs to get done, or even what’s been on your mind lately. Find your happy place in the house or apartment and do some brain dumping! Not only will this help you better organize your thoughts, but you’ll be primed to knock out your most pressing “to-dos” in a healthier, more positive mindset. No overthinking allowed!
For example, if your first priority of the new year is to eat healthier, you can write out your intention as something like “I will treat my body to foods, vitamins, and nutrients that make me feel good!” If your priority is to exercise more, let your intention be “I will make time for fun activities and workouts that make me excited to try new things!” If your priority is to take more chances, let your intention be “I’m going to make today the day I finally let loose and step out of my comfort zone!” Ultimately, none of these intentions should be seen as goals, merely something to be mindful of throughout the day. By following this mindset, you won’t have to stress if they were “done” in a certain timeframe. Instead, you can celebrate them as they come (and they will) because you’re amazing! Talk about a confidence booster!
While you’re killin’ it with confidence and trying new things, why not add a little something extra to your day (and your outfit) with a new lash look? With clear bands and voluminous, wispy fibers, Red Aspen’s “I am Loved” Luxe False Lash is the perfect enhancement to your everyday eye look. Best of all, you can add it to your beauty routine however you like! You can bring in 2024 with a statement look and break out your cut crease shadow skills, or add a touch of subtle drama with a clean girl, “no makeup” aesthetic. Whatever your preference, faux lashes are an easy way to celebrate a new you without having to radically change what you already love about yourself!
It’s no secret that spending more time outdoors is an excellent way to promote wellness and improve your mental health. There’s something inherently powerful about Mother Nature and our connection to it, and it only makes sense to embrace that whenever possible! Plus, there are so many activities you can plan alone, with your family, or with some of your closest friends!
If there’s snow on the ground, you can take time to build a snowman, suit up to sled some hills, or sit by the fire with a cozy cup of hot cocoa. If it’s sunny outside, you can enjoy some hiking, blaze some trails on the mountain bike, or plan a cute picnic with all of your favorite people!
Whatever you decide for your outdoor adventure, you’ll no doubt want to capture your favorite moments with some cute selfies and a killer mani! Our January Loyalty Box includes the Martha Marie is Loved Nail Dash. With its medium-almond shape and close-to-holographic blue cat-eye finish, it’s the perfect press-on nail to match your outdoor aesthetic, adding a glossy, almost glimmery effect that looks absolutely stunning in natural sunlight. Not only that, but you’ll have a color that pairs well with the blue skies above, the frosty snow on the ground, and nearly any outfit! While you’re sharing your selfies online, be sure to tell your friends and family about our Loyalty Boxes. They’re just as fun to subscribe to with friends, and when your friend group subscribes together, you’ll have the opportunity to show off your press-ons and lashes
With the world being so fast-paced and filled with demands and distractions, it’s important to take some real time to nurture yourself and develop a stronger sense of self-love. If you’re a parent or have people who depend on you, you might find this difficult. You might even feel tempted to think that taking time for yourself is selfish. It’s not! In fact, taking time for yourself is one of the foundational pillars for personal growth, happiness, and overall well-being.
If you struggle with trying to think of ways to do something for yourself every now and then, you might benefit from adding some books on self love to your reading list! Considered one of the more powerful ways to embark on a journey of self-discovery, reading books on self love can offer practical advice, inspiring stories, and profound insights on ways you can not only change your perspective on things, but on ways you can change your life for the better as well!
As you browse different books and inspirational pieces, a common theme you might encounter is that the clothing and accessories you wear can impact your thinking and the way you perform in a substantial way. If you’ve ever struggled with confidence, think back on all the times a killer outfit made you feel like a million bucks, even if it was only for a few hours! Better yet, think back to the times you dressed the part for a special occasion, whether formal or informal, and felt more at ease knowing you not only looked the part, but felt the part as well. That kind of confidence radiates, and nothing says confidence like the color red!
Thankfully, Red Aspen’s January nail subscription box features the stunning Evalina Is Loved Nail Dash to help you stand out from the crowd with the perfect manicure. With a red cat-eye finish and a light pink heart design, it’s not only on trend, but oozes personality. It’s a color that says “I am here, and I love and accept myself just as I am.” Better still, it’s the kind of design that pairs well with a variety of outfits, both casual and professional, offering a unique twist on the classic red mani that will never go out of style. After all, when you’re looking for a little pick-me-up or just looking for ways to help you come out of your shell a little, the small things really do add up in big ways!
The mantra for self-care is simple: “Take care of yourself, and be intentional about ensuring your well-being.” That said, one of the absolute best ways to treat yourself is to take a solo vacation! As a woman, it’s easy to get caught up in the role of caregiver, always thinking of everyone else but yourself. By taking a trip by yourself, for yourself, you get to structure the trip however you see fit! You get to choose which activities you want to do and when, from that obscure museum you’ve had on your bucket list to that all-day excursion to the local boutiques! You get to decide on where you’d like to eat, whether it’s lunch in an ice cave or a unique, fine dining experience under the sea. In no uncertain terms, a solo travel experience means you’re free to experience your destination on your terms, without having to cater to anyone else’s wants or desires. Yep, you read that right!
Vacations also open up so many possibilities to show off where you’ve been, what you’ve seen, and how great of a time you’re having with as much pizazz and personality as you can muster. What better way to show off your personality than with a cute pair of press-on nails!? As part of Red Aspen’s January Loyalty Box, you’ll enjoy the unique hot pink cat-eye finish of the Laurie Is Loved Nail Dash. With a slightly shimmery design that’s as adorable as your outfit ideas, you’ll have the ideal accessory to slip into the camera frame every now and then for good measure. Best of all, you’ll have a beauty accessory that’s super fun, ultra-flirty, and fiercely feminine.
Have you ever set goals for yourself that you later forget what they were or why they were so important to achieve in the first place? We’ve all been there, and while setting daily intentions is a valuable part of self-care, so too is having a few long-term goals that you'd love to see completed within the next few weeks, months, or year.
To better help you meet these goals, try creating a vision board! Think about how you’d like your life to look a few months or years into the future, then get to work brainstorming your vision board in a way that feels fun and unique to you. Start with words and affirmations that are empowering, something like “I am worthy of love from others and myself.” Research inspiring quotes that resonate with you or even art and pictures from your life that speak to you in a special way. Depending on the goals you might have for yourself, you might even display artwork or photographs of people, places, or things that inspire the kinds of sensations you want to feel, whether that’s gratitude, love, joy, success, and so on! Surf sites that radiate this kind of creativity like Pinterest, then get to work creating a vision board that’s distinctly you!
Once you’re done, you can snap photos of your vision board and save your favorite as a phone wallpaper or even print and hang a few copies around your home or apartment where you can see them daily. Ultimately, this can help you create a collage of images of the kind of person you’d like to be or the lifestyle you’d like for yourself down the line! As you work through your vision board, pop on some beauty accessories that make you feel inspired and empowered! Red Aspen’s January nail subscription box includes the adorable Lynnleigh is Loved press on nail kit, so you'll have one more adorable item to spark your imagination! With cute little hearts and a short square design, it’s the perfect press on nail for creative projects that won’t bend, break, or get in the way! Not only that, but purple’s long been the color of creativity, giving you one more thing to smile about!
Written by: Red Aspen
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